One of the things that I love most about having a blog is meeting all of the women reading this. I have met so many fellow fertility sisters through this blog and its awesome! So if you are struggling with infertility I want to hear about it!

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

We love you Dr. Werlin!!!!!

Best IVF doctor!!!!!


01/06 IUI #1 injections = BFN

04/06 IUI#2 injections = BFN

08/07 IVF #1 Lupron /Follistim ET 3 embies Aug = BFN

11/07 IVF #2 Lupron / Follistim / Menopur ET 4 embies (2 snowbabies) - 8/29/08 Its a girl! 8:14 am 8 lbs 10 oz 20 1/2 inches long = BFP

06/11 IVF #3 Lupron/follistim/menopur ET 4 embies - None made it to freeze = BFN

11/11 IVF#4 (FET) - Starting acupuncture again
11/28/11 (2) 5 day blasts snowbabies survived thaw & transferred
12/09/11 Beta #1 - (18.1) = BFP low but cautiously optimistic
12/12/11 Beta #2 - (14) = Losing the pregnancy
12/19/11 Miscarried at 5 weeks 5 days :(

IVF #5 Next and FINAL attempt to grow our family We are out of money :(
2/17/12 Start all meds
2/29/12 Possible egg retrieval
3/3/12 Possible embryo transfer
3/14/12 Beta

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Things that make me sad while struggling with infertility

As long as I can remember, I have always wanted a big family at least three would be nice. I wanted them by the time I turned 30 HA HA! God had different plans for me so while I wait for my next miracle here are some things I struggle with.

*Seeing pregnant women everywhere I go! I mean seriously is everybody and their mother pregnant right now?

*Being stopped behind a car that has those cute little stickers to represent their family and they go on and on and on :(

*Hearing women complain about their kids or pregnancy (except for my sister because she has three in there LOL)

* Watching everyone around me growing their families so easily:(

My heart goes out to all the women struggling with infertility, its a long heart wrenching journey. Don't give up ladies, we must never give up on our dreams of having a family or making it bigger. You are not alone!

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