One of the things that I love most about having a blog is meeting all of the women reading this. I have met so many fellow fertility sisters through this blog and its awesome! So if you are struggling with infertility I want to hear about it!

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

We love you Dr. Werlin!!!!!

Best IVF doctor!!!!!


01/06 IUI #1 injections = BFN

04/06 IUI#2 injections = BFN

08/07 IVF #1 Lupron /Follistim ET 3 embies Aug = BFN

11/07 IVF #2 Lupron / Follistim / Menopur ET 4 embies (2 snowbabies) - 8/29/08 Its a girl! 8:14 am 8 lbs 10 oz 20 1/2 inches long = BFP

06/11 IVF #3 Lupron/follistim/menopur ET 4 embies - None made it to freeze = BFN

11/11 IVF#4 (FET) - Starting acupuncture again
11/28/11 (2) 5 day blasts snowbabies survived thaw & transferred
12/09/11 Beta #1 - (18.1) = BFP low but cautiously optimistic
12/12/11 Beta #2 - (14) = Losing the pregnancy
12/19/11 Miscarried at 5 weeks 5 days :(

IVF #5 Next and FINAL attempt to grow our family We are out of money :(
2/17/12 Start all meds
2/29/12 Possible egg retrieval
3/3/12 Possible embryo transfer
3/14/12 Beta

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's been a long time

I just realized that I've been neglecting my blog lately:( my schedule has been so crazy with everything that is going on. I can't complain, It's called life lol! I have so much to be thankful for and have been counting my blessings each morning before I start my day. Thank you God for blessing me with such a beautiful life💗
My girls are growing like weeds😩💕 please time slow down just a little bit.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's day!

Happy Valentine's day everyone! I love love love this holiday:) its especially fun with little girls :) daddy made our morning with all kinds of goodies:) hope you all have a great day<3

Monday, February 11, 2013

Best priced Souvenir in Disneyland

I love these!!!! Located on Main Street and $9.00 per person We had Mia's done at 6 months old from her first trip to Disneyland so of course Lilah needed one too! But my favorite is this one with both of my girls together:) what a great memory:)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Peace and quiet? What??????

And what do I do with this very rare moment when both kids are asleep at the same time? Why laundry of course!!! Lol! Oh yeah and browsing on pinterest between loads hee hee:)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A new chapter in my life

Dear infertility, I am finally saying goodbye to you for good! You have knocked me down, made me cry, squashed my dreams, pissed me off, took years away from me, put me in debt, took a tole on my marriage and body and almost stole my faith! It was a very long hard time in my life. I obsessed over you daily. You made me go through 13 years of negative pregnancy tests, 2 IUI's and 5 IVF's. Fortunately for me, after having a quick pity party I would dust myself off and get back on track for the next round.
I looked you in the eye over and over again and was lucky enough to kick your ass! YOU DID NOT WIN!

You did teach me some things though. I learned that I am a lot stronger than I ever gave myself credit for. You made my marriage stronger than it has ever been because we worked together through this horrible time instead of growing apart. You also gave me the courage to share my story with everyone, instead of being ashamed of it and for that I am grateful.

I am now blessed with my two beautiful miracle baby girls and I am letting you go. You will not hurt me anymore. I refuse to give you any more of my life. I am finally at peace! - sigh :)

I will now dedicate the rest of my life to help educate the world about infertility! I will also continue to be there for my fertility sisters through their journeys to motherhood, and last but not least I will continue to help women all over the world reading my blog to give them that little bit of hope that they are looking for while researching on the web. Sadly there are so many women who have not been as lucky as myself, and I will continue to pray for them.

Although I am happy to put an end to my infertility journey I will never forget the pain it has caused me over the years. I will never fully be over the fact that my dream of having a big family was cut short due to the financial burden and torture IVF has been on my body.

As 2013 starts, I am very much looking forward to this new chapter in my life. I am enjoying my daughters and together we are going to make many memories and live this beautiful blessed life of ours to the fullest!