One of the things that I love most about having a blog is meeting all of the women reading this. I have met so many fellow fertility sisters through this blog and its awesome! So if you are struggling with infertility I want to hear about it!

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

We love you Dr. Werlin!!!!!

Best IVF doctor!!!!!


01/06 IUI #1 injections = BFN

04/06 IUI#2 injections = BFN

08/07 IVF #1 Lupron /Follistim ET 3 embies Aug = BFN

11/07 IVF #2 Lupron / Follistim / Menopur ET 4 embies (2 snowbabies) - 8/29/08 Its a girl! 8:14 am 8 lbs 10 oz 20 1/2 inches long = BFP

06/11 IVF #3 Lupron/follistim/menopur ET 4 embies - None made it to freeze = BFN

11/11 IVF#4 (FET) - Starting acupuncture again
11/28/11 (2) 5 day blasts snowbabies survived thaw & transferred
12/09/11 Beta #1 - (18.1) = BFP low but cautiously optimistic
12/12/11 Beta #2 - (14) = Losing the pregnancy
12/19/11 Miscarried at 5 weeks 5 days :(

IVF #5 Next and FINAL attempt to grow our family We are out of money :(
2/17/12 Start all meds
2/29/12 Possible egg retrieval
3/3/12 Possible embryo transfer
3/14/12 Beta

Sunday, December 9, 2012

My little sassy pants Mia!

My sister took this picture of Mia today. My entire family went to Disneyland. Luis and I stayed home with Lilah. There is no way I'm taking her there at two weeks old! Anyway they had a blast. Mia was so excited to spend the day with her cousins at the happiest place on earth! I just love her personality she is hilarious always making me laugh just like her dad!!!


Jammie J. said...

She is so hilarious!

Maybe you knew, but I had no idea that Disneyland has a childcare center where you can nurse your baby, change your baby, etc. It's this amazing little oasis! It's right by the corndog stand at the end of Main Street.

The first time I took my baby was when he was about 3.5 weeks, just to use that room and get a picture in front of their big tree. LOL

The Soler Tribe said...

You know what? I have been in there one time:) it's really nice! The last couple of times that we have gone its been so busy that the line is out the door! I am glad that its available. Mia is sick right now, and now Lilah sounds like she is catching it:( Its been so cold lately, but I can't wait to take Lilah to Disneyland. Mia can't wait to show her baby sister around:)